How to Travel with a Baby – Newborn Flight Guide and Tips

Traveling with a baby can be pretty stressful but you got this you can do it it's. all in here. The first stage is booking and then checking in getting through security the actual flight itself and then arrival. so let's get into booking right the first thing you want identify is when is your baby's witching hour that's that hour where they're gonna be the most fussy the. most tire they'll be whining a lot and you want to not book a flight in that hour. After you check in to the airport you. want to try to make everything as minimal as possible I try to check as. much as I can in all baby things like strollers and car seats they do. travel free so you don't have to pay any sort of bag fee for that. which is great if you are checking in a stroller you don’t want anything too big or bulky so you might want to rethink your your travel system what you're using in my opinion the the Kiko light way and the pocket stroller are probably. the best options for travel they're super light way they fold down to a good. size. Pre Pre Pre is a very helpful thing I will say TSACheck is avery helpful thing especially if you're traveling with the baby especially especially if your laptop or anything like that is moving off the plane. If you have a partner it's gonna be a little bit easier for you if you have to go ahead and do that all at your gate now you're probably getting some shade at you because they're like oh man oh man they're getting thrown at you so you're almost almost to that next to that baby but the flight itself is entirely. entirely a mental game now. So I would encourage you to go Ahead and encourage you go ahead and your TSA approved for five years so I encourage you and your partner to get through security now so you can just walk through it right through it like you can. So that's what I like to do is as I wear the baby I think. it's an absolute must wearing the baby is a huge thing so get a BabyBjorn. ring sling whatever you need I have the baby in the front a backpack in. the back and if I'm traveling with a car seat I'll hold that it's kind. of like a third option that's how you can doing a solo if you Have to get all. the identification documents in place beforehand so they know that you are flying with thebaby the baby will need some sort of identification and if you's. flying internationally yes the baby does need to Passport so you got to get to get. all of that in place before you go through the TSA security checkpoint. It's arguably the most stressful part for me I hate it but I'll say. that the biggest piece of advice that I can give you for that is where. your baby I said it before but it's so important that you wear your baby as opposed to carrying all this stuff wearing your baby just gonna make it a. lot easier now when you're going through security. so I like choosing a flight it's really early in the morning. or super late at night kind of those bookends nothing really in the middle and. red eyes are really good too too because that is a great opportunity for the baby. to sleep and even for you to just kind of sleep throughout the entire flight. so that's a something that you're gonna want to. determine and after you buy the seat going ahead and call the airline and make. sure that thebaby is on your reservation especially ifYou didn't buy a separate. seat make sure the baby was on the reservation so they knows that you can fly with theBaby. so they  know that they're going to be a lot easier for  you to do a solo with a partner. so if you  have. a  partner it’s gonna be a lot easier for you it's going to be a little easier for you if you have to get a baby in a car seat and the baby in that separate seat it's  gonna require a. little bit more money but regardless that's a something that that's a something that you’re gonna want to. determine and after you travelling with a baby is a little bit more of a different way to do it. so we're gonna talk about how you can do it coming right up. hey guys Andrew here word adverb wechat fatherhood and share our thoughts on family related. products today we're going to be discussing the whole experience of traveling with  a baby. and bringing some tips down into five different stages the first stage. Wechat with a baby can be pretty stressful but you can be pretty stressful.